
Somewhere around 8th or 9th standard, we were issued to buy a book with a collection of poems for our English class. Unlike many other school books that pass us  by every year like trash (sadly) does , this book is one of the few that remained attached to me. And to-date is very much a part of both, my shelf and my self.

Today, as I am reminded of how little I am , and how grand life is; I'd like to share a poem from that book. I do not know whether it is the poem itself that attracted me, or the fact that like everyone, I found a connection in it that I so needed at that point of my life. Which ever the case may be, this is it :

Try Again

'Tis a lesson you should heed,
try again;
if at first you don't succeed,
 try again;
then your courage should appear,
for if you will persevere,
you will conquer, never fear
try again;

Once or twice, though you should fail,
try again;
if you would at last prevail,
try again;
if we strive, 'tis no disgrace
though we do not win the race;
what should you do in the case?
Try again.

If you find your task is hard,
try again;
time will bring you your reward,
try again;
all that other folks can do,
why, with patience, should not you?
Only keep this rule in view:
try again.

Hickson, William Edward

I hope with reading you find why I like it so much. It's simplicity and yet in it, the prevailing life changing concept of what trying means: to live forever, is what makes this poem a remarkable piece of literature for me. Its concept fails to age and it is foresight, gained from the hindsight, that puts faith in me for the poem to last  ( going to go cliché here) forever and ever...

( Poem copied from : . With some corrections made )


  1. Ah. I love the poem. It speaks to me in a similar way that it does to you. Great post. :)

  2. :3 That makes me really happy :'3

    Thank you

  3. I needed to read this poem, thanks for that. Some books really do stay with us. Sigh.

  4. Glad you like it :'3.

    Thank you

  5. Seems to me that is what pakistan as a country is busy doing. Trying again n again

  6. Haha. That's ONE way of looking at it. Though I feel what we are doing as a nation is more 'surviving' than trying. :)

  7. Poetry is the most beautiful in it's simplicity. As for the poem, you are right, I think it connects to all.

  8. Poetry is the most beautiful in it's simplicity. As for the poem, you are right, I think it connects to all.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I couldn't agree more, Momina.

    And I certainly do hope that's the case; since I know how beautiful it feels to read this poem. And something this beautiful, most definitely needs to spread. :'3

  11. Such reminders are essential. Also, beautiful poem. Thanks for the link!

  12. AND you need to write more often I see. :)

  13. They are.

    You wouldn't believe, but your comments came as such a delightful push for me. I was filled with joy, and in that got back to my many drafted works.

    Sometimes, a little inspiration can come out of no where.

    Thank you fo r being that little inspiration <3


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