My trivial passions trivial voyage.

My blog is my reflection...sort of. It has a mixture of a lot of things and a couple of "those things" are resting in my drafts. It's amazing how a blog can give you an insight into your own self and others.

Slightly cause judgement here is very polite as I begin? *I love it like this*.Previously however, I was not very satisfied *read:was ill-experienced*. This ill experience came from the fact I was not writing for the moment, and all the while gazing for what w(sh)ould've come.What the un-known does to us or can do to us is.. unpredictable, very unstable in other words. And if I have learned anything it's that unsurety is exhausting.

In any aspect of your life one must be honest chiefly with their selves; I am now and at present as I'm writing, I feel at ease with it. Perhaps one reason for my 'unhappiness' was my 'expected happiness'.

I  was thinking of writing up on this matter myself on how expected happiness takes away the real happiness from us but then I stumbled upon this great and very well backed Ted Talk by Dan Gilbert. 

P.s  You should educate yourself about Ted talk if you're not YET AWARE! it's diverse for any and everyone who wants to improve and explore. Just purely amazing.

P.s.s I have this weird thing where when I ponder upon a question or query for a longer period of time, the answer majorly just comes to me in a way that is more subdue and organized then I could have ever make it out to be. *JazakAllah for that ^_^ * but gives me a sense of never giving up.(Will try to talk about this later) 

Watch it...... NOW *scare ass look* okay maybe this look works on  you  :

                 Enough masti..... go ahead, I promise it won't be a waste of time.

 "Natural happiness is what we get when we get what we wanted, and synthetic happiness is what we make when we don’t get what we wanted. In our society, we have a strong belief that synthetic happiness is of an inferior kind." (Dan Gilbert)

It's amazing how a simple phenomenon must, today, be broken down to be explained;Just beyond the measures. Simple is and has been complicated, possibly. And if that is remotely the case, for even a dozen of real life scenarios, our life can't be this muddled up.

So my trivial passion's voyage eh? It's about finding a bay. Let this bay represent your interests/likings. A bay where you'll happily settle down and enjoy what you do. Now,with my short experience you won't really mind being alone at first, cause you won't care but the natural ability of something that has honest roots to shine will sheen ... and since humans have the nick to be curious you will always end up having buyers, praises and critics etc. The truer ones will more likely be to come to you when you sow the seeds that way only i.e. the scale shall favour you with deep positivity if.

In the end it will all depend on how either you want to settle for the given and present happiness or the one that plays pretend in your head.

So let's make 'simple our new intricate complicate'
Lets sail.


  1. Rutaba maybe I can say this post is "the answer majorly just comes to me in a way that is more subdue and organized then I could have ever make it out to be. *JazakAllah for that ^_^: :) Keep Writing!

  2. It's good but not as good as our blog " A desire to be a smile maker".

  3. @Ashwin D. Why Thankypu so much! :D. I need constant reminders on such you can count me in to continue writing :D.

    @Prashant sir :3. I guess the imagery did wonders there. Since this one is based on others work, It won't ever feel as real :D Thanks for reading though. Highly appreciated


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