Logical Happiness

          I am not really sure what I am about to say will end up in coherence or not, but here goes.

Have you ever observed how people, even your friends, readily accept to the sad part of things, embracing more promptly the prospects of situations, scenarios and events that bring in them a sense of hopelessness, thus enlarging a picture of self- self victimization. Well, paradoxically I’d do the same if I grab onto this issue, and make you more self conscious as already I am. In any case, that’s not what I am here to talk about. This was just the entrée to what I am preparing for you to hear next.

         That is how to introduce the positive in our lives. Also, questioning why sadness is an overpowering emotion, especially in comparison to that which is happy.
          I’d tell you why. It’s the lack of motivation, that’s the cause, the lack to actually reach out for the better. I believe that anything in us, to very large extends, be it our mental health or physical, is our own product. And that this habit of ours to play the victim has gone too far, certainly seeming easier to us than to put some effort. I mean it is after all only logical that we look for something more positive to rule out that which is negative at the moment in our life. But then again, us humans, we just aren’t as logically bright as we think. We realize too much stress paralyses us, we realize that it causes our thinking to blur, yet we don’t provide ourselves with what you and I both know to exist : the good, the positive, the optimistic. It’s like having an iron deficiency, we are aware of what we lack and so, we start eating iron rich food, taking iron rich tablets so on and on. In short, we’d do anything to rid of this lack. That right there, logic ladies and gentlemen. Likewise emotional deficiencies need to be understood and treated for us to be better, for people around us to be better. If not all, some measure of ease will definitely descend you. You have my word for it.

    If only… if only, we openly accept to the fact that there is a neutralizing force to everything, and that we don’t have to live in complete darkness or gleefully turn into maniacs by being overjoyed 24/7. And that we can shift between the two and find a balance. The right harmony i.e. we will be fine… just fine.

        The next time you feel sad, or you see someone being upset and you have that sense in you to realize, that rationally one shouldn't be this saddened or its time enough to get yourself straight, say aloud that happiness is as openly available as sadness is. Ask them to help themselves, and seek for the right medication: the logical happiness, and not meditate in the sickness for too long. Cause hey! that’s just not logical



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