Revenge gone bad (Chapter #1)

                   Cherishing memories only for they last

"I thought you'd be busy to even show up here" mouthed in a taunting tone and with an even defensive manner his partner replied 
"No man! to give up a chance to hang with you ... at our spot" Samar italicized 'our spot' enough to make Ali notice.
"Ha, our spot, huh? Dog! " remarked Ali as they both sat down on the bare ground  gazing at the place with crossed legs and drinks in their hands.

"Remember the day we dragged that egoistical brat out of 9th grade and brought him here"
And with a slight smile to his face Ali said "That ghost prank na? was so cruel  ha..... hahaha..he."
"Say it!.... say it!"
"He wetted his pants!" stated Ali hysterically  
"Any idea where that 67 kilo meat bag and 16 ounces of liquid up to these days anyway?"
"Ha! No, none"
"I have missed a lot"
"What the peeing machine? " 
"Ha naa.. this place.... "
"Unlike you... I don't let go of things easy.. "

It was a mild cold evening, with a cloudy sky hovering over their heads and an overall pleasant aura to accompany their remaining reminiscing conversation. The day ended late for the two of them and they parted ways soon after. Ali to his artistic world, a lovely solace for him,his apartment - full of rough artistry on the walls, unique sculptures  - what seemed to be made out of the most ordinary yet unimaginable things. He rested in his single taped-on-the-hind-leg bed which made a creak but he was as carefree as a baby, he felt blessed for the moment and cared least. It is strangely amusing how a fulfilling instance of happiness can derive you to recollect all that has ever been so special to you, almost as if it will force you to be thankful for everything. For Ali in that minute it was no different, as he collected his cell phone out of his baggy jean's pocket he blindly but deliberately pined the call button giving an impression that his life was not a beehive of thousands of people. 
He knew who he was calling .... 

"Hi .." said the voice on the call.It was placid, so tender that it brought a mellow gleam to that already satisfied ecstasy. 
"I met Samar..he inquired about you, gave us his blessing" light chuckle erupted on both ends "He has not change, the same ...calm and collective dude..."
"Yah...he uhmm ..sounds like he gathered himself well after his father's... demise"
"Oh yeah.. If he was me.....I would have been a very bad him..."
"I know it was a bad attempt at a joke but that on"

His partner laughed a laugh which was detectable by a mile to be a forced one, so hesitant that Ali asked her straight away 

"Oye bobble head, what's the matta?"
"You know how Raheem has been talking about my promotion.. ... had the presentation I just gave went good... "
"well... it went realllly good"
"Uhmmm and that is worrying?... raaaitt ...right... I totally getchya"
"No.. nothing about this is worrying on any point.... It's just the decision I have to take right after that is making me think a bit..and I was thinking about that only when the phone rang.....glad it was you....."  
"...I know.. I am wanted...always .. wanted" Ali cut her off to make a cheesy remark in his failed  husky voice which surprising did the job.
"Haha.. what would I do without you being an idiot while I want to have a serious moment?..I seriously want to take this offer... they are offering me security...and a good pay and and.. oh..."
"Hold on... a good pay? security? you can so totally marry me and take care of me.." 
"Haha shutup"
"No no.. I mean it.... just one thing.. why the second thought!"
" A new job location means...."
"... New job?...I meant marrying me dumbass" 

Silence prevailed as both went puzzled. Being sceptical about each others statement,Faiza finally broke the silence

" You... hello?"
"New job location?  you mean .. they are shifting your branch ?.."
"No..they want me to shift entirely .. to .. uhm.. another country .. it's a good 7 year contract!.."
"And the answer is an obvious no?... how will you.. and your mother.. and us? I just asked you to marry me.... and you realize I was joking about you taking care of me on  your pay"
"Ergh.. not the time for jokes.. "
"I .. know! but... I can take care of us... 7 year is a hell lot... it was decided we'd marry by the end of the year..."
"It's not like I am running away... gr.. I never ever thought of that...I am... was...a 80 percent certain on taking this job..."
"I won't allow it... the ring on your finger abides you to give this a thought!..7 years? .."
"What won't you allow me!? ... I need to be practical for a second here...I have responsibilities"
"Well so do I.. but have I been away ... on such a long commitment....knowing I have opportunities out there in the world.. just so I can strive alongside you.."
"That was never my decision, you as a man.. survive... I have to work my ass off as a man and be a women at my home.. you ..where's the side of you that realized this?!"
"Well the world does not exactly end at this one ... call"
"Just drink some water and think it through .. will you?... talk to you about this when we meet.... phone bugs the living day lights out of me..... "
"Meet me now!"
"No... I don't get off till 9 ... it's 4... you better have eaten ..cya"

The phone call ended on a sour note and as brightly the day had begun for Ali, as perplex it was turning out to be. Still ascertain he would make Faiza stay he was sadden by the turn of events.Ali had always taken Faiza seriously, though what started off as an arranged engagement was only followed by deep affection. Things like a good pay did not bother him much but it is true however, that if one has living souls other than themselves to live by, they need to walk the path of the common man. Ali was ready to abide even by that but art has it's share of struggle, this passion of his asked him more than what it could have offered. It gave him thoughts,contemplation,emotions but that can not feed stomachs,can it? His head was buzzing with thoughts, feeling a tinge of incompetence Ali stood up to pass his time with a good book. 

The book rested on his chest on the very  page he had started of from,when the clock struck 7 Ali  realized he had not read a word but rather lost himself to thoughts. He got up to take a shower and gathered all the arguments he was going to use on Faiza.

By 8 pm Ali had set off to pick Faiza up. Confused and also a bit intimidated he waited in the coffee house adjacent to Faiza's office, gazing properly to see if he could catch her. With that his phone rang 

"I knew you'd be at the Cafe,...I am on the extreme right....."

P.s. Chapter 2 to befall after Chapter 1.. geniuses! Thanks for reading though!


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