
Showing posts from January, 2013


(These are random writings I am doing as I preapre for my English paper this year May. Thought the least I could do is post them for you to read and criticise accordingly) In the form of a series of diary entries or a letter home, describe the experiences and emotions of a character who travels abroad for the first time. In your writing you should bring out his or her feelings about the new country compared with the one he or she has lived in before.                                         Kolachi, my imaginative spin. ________________________________________________________________________________ ‘21 st January 1999 Dear Janice,       Checking out of the airport was no trouble and as soon as I stood to call my cab out the realization soon dawned: I’ve officially landed my destination. I was too tired to notice anything as I started about this alien la...

Revenge gone bad (Chapter #1)

                   Cherishing memories only for they last "I thought you'd be busy to even show up here" mouthed in a taunting tone and with an even defensive manner his partner replied  " No man! to give up a chance to hang with you ... at  our spot"  Samar italicized 'our spot' enough to make Ali notice. "Ha, our spot, huh? Dog! " remarked Ali as they both sat down on the bare ground  gazing at the place with crossed legs and drinks in their hands. "Remember the day we dragged that egoistical brat out of 9th grade and brought him here" And with a slight smile to his face Ali said "That ghost prank na? was so cruel  ha..... hahaha..he." "Say it!.... say it!" "He wetted his pants!" stated Ali hysterically   "Any idea where that 67 kilo meat bag and 16 ounces of liquid up to these days anyway?" "Ha! No, none" "I have missed a lot" "What the peeing mac...

My trivial passions trivial voyage.

My blog is my reflection...sort of. It has a mixture of a lot of things and a couple of "those things" are resting in my drafts. It's amazing how a blog can give you an insight into your own self and others. Slightly cause judgement here is very polite as I begin? *I love it like this*.Previously however, I was not very satisfied *read:was ill-experienced*. This ill experience came from the fact I was not writing for the moment, and all the while gazing for what w(sh)ould've come.What the un-known does to us or can do to us is.. unpredictable, very unstable in other words. And if I have learned anything it's that unsurety is exhausting. In any aspect of your life one must be honest chiefly with their selves; I am now and at present as I'm writing, I feel at ease with it. Perhaps one reason for my 'unhappiness' was my ' expected happiness'. I  was thinking of writing up on this matter myself on how expected happiness takes away the re...