Losing faith?
Recently, a friend of mine shared an article titled 'Are Arabs turning their backs on religion?'. After going through it, I couldn't help but draw a few general parallels that are telling of the entire Muslim geography as a whole. In a world that registers change more rapidly than it ever did, nothing, not even faith can sustain without playing constant catch up. In the case of the Muslim community, if there is even one coherent enough to be labeled so, the catch up really hasn't happened. It's still struggling to find its feet let alone be stable enough to respond to emerging trends, crisis or opportunities. For me, that has played a critical part in the dissatisfaction of the youth from religion in general. Capitalism is another reason I feel faith has taken the backseat. With a steady perpetuation of consumerism and people's lives revolving around material and in pursuit of maintaining or improving one's lifestyle, there's very little time to dedic...