Prisoner to vulnerability

Last I properly wrote was in January 2016. We are nearing the end of June and I think its time I let go of my confusions for what they are: mere confusions. You see, I was overcome by this grave flood of new priorities: work and studies, leaving me with no time to tend to my new peeves about writing and self. It was not always like this. When I had started writing, it was not so much about quality, rather the joy of expressing. But alas, adulthood hit and hit hard. The new insecurities that came with it were far worse, far complex than I was maybe prepared to mentally take on. Cutting me off at my knees and throwing me into a spiral. A revolution of the mind was demanded and I did not know how to cope with it. We are for most part of our childhood left at the mercy of adults, this transition from childhood to adulthood becomes excruciating when there's a demand of rewiring your thoughts according to this new, more independent life style. We are suddenly expected from, are to ...