We women, we lie.

Tears by Halmurzaev Edward. All rights to its respective owner. We women, we lie. Sometimes to get a smile on his face, and sometimes to get a giggle out of our babies. You may never tell how deceitful we can be, just how ruthlessly selfish our souls can get to stop the tears running down from our mothers cheeks. We are a lost cause of nature - weaker to male in material but arrogantly, prejudiced about our nursing instincts. What has hell got against us? Our pit of secrets is deeper than the darkest hole any hell of any religion possesses. The possibilities of the avatars just one of us possess is beyond the magic, science and literature, of any world, anywhere, can unravel. Reveal to me myself as a woman, and I will discuss why you can never. Prick a pin in us, and just see how many emotions ooze out of us. You will have a hard time naming the colours mankind hasn't even discovered - the dark, the light, the faded, tattered, glittery, shimmerin...