Break it up! It's Nothing fancy.

I have long forgotten the idea of 'taking a break'. Cuddled up in my bed to watch a movie or play video games is the 21st century definition of a break. So here's the deal - I have exams coming up and I try to find ways to exert some of the tension by turning to TV, a good movie etc. The idea that silently surfaces around my head is that these are the 'new' forms of taking a 'time-out' while it may seem effective on paper it is rarely of any use. After hours of computer usage and reading out of paper , you'd think more time on computer or another form of screen will help your eyes breath a little. It doesn't. Infact - I feel suffocated and I start walking around the house just to get some air. It took me long enough to grasp the pattern I fell into and what was meant to be an hour or a half break suddenly turns into what seems like an age of restlessness. Finally after some days, I walked up to my roof accompanied by nothing but...