
Showing posts from February, 2013

I feel happy.

  I can image how busy we are in our lives, So much of misery filling our existence every day that when a happy occasion comes knocking we get anxious, speculating as to why even happiness is there in the first place. Seriously! Where is the simple life lost? I agree it's a modern world with it's modern theories but that does not mean societies were belligerent idiots before us. We are to take something from the people that have gone by but left us their legacy. Their simplicity at first.  Where's balance? Why is it that we are letting little meaningful things slip our hands like fine sand. I have a problem with the way we treat this world, considering it to be a menace and hence teaching our kids/siblings to tackle the world as if its cruel and nasty. Whether or not it is nasty, why aren't we more concerned with teaching them how to do good in the first place? To be good citizens first and then complain. To get in the dirt and make their opinions. In the coming futu...


    __________________________________________________________________________________ Content quality must represent the creator to be an amateur Paint user. Thus exemplifying it to be my own work. It's a thought process owned to a single person, your beloved me, so its bearable to opinions and criticism.