My life is made up of little missions. They might not come across as being big when I discuss them, so I resort not to discuss them but for the sake of clearing my head of, I will write this down. Yes, writing things out help me clear things. I don't always get the answers but I get the next big thing, a momentarily satisfaction. Out of my many little missions, one is : 'Not taking things for granted'. I am no where near achieving this goal, in fact as I write and ponder in my past, hell just yesterday, I feel like stopping,erasing this post and going back to sleep. But oh well, I have started and I am too curious to stop. I am very lucky, you know, in many ways. I just need to wear some one else's perspective. Some one obviously less blessed than me. I can also do the opposite and see through eyes perhaps more fortunate to me. Now immediate sense says, I'd be more humble if I view myself through less pro...