
Showing posts from 2012

From The Poet's Heart: Yes, I am proud to be a daughter

From The Poet's Heart: Yes, I am proud to be a daughter : This post is a special dedication to every girl/lady/woman who is a daughter, and not just a daughter but a special daughter of God. Sin...

Wish: Animated treasure.

No, this isn't a clever thought-on title for a grand philosophy running in my head rather just a twinkle of a wish amongst the plenty I come up with occasionally. I know it's a tad cheesy but I like that's that. Since there lays no order to the wish process, I'll be random with these. Today I'll be introducing you to my first random wish.. or my first random open wish.Nevertheless... drums roll please ..anyone.... no? Fine,I'll do it myself  *da dum ba tiss dum badadadadadadadum*                                                 :   Animated treasure : If you want to take your guess on what this might stand for, go ahead. Do it and then proceed reading. After you read it, you'll realize the content isn't as intricate as I am making it to be. *sasti fancygiri*.Any ways, without further dramatics, the title "Animated treasure" pretty much ...

Grateful, just cause.

     My life is made up of little missions. They might not come across as being big when I discuss them, so I resort not to discuss them but for the sake of clearing my head of, I will write this down. Yes, writing things out help me clear things. I don't always get the answers but I get the next big thing, a momentarily satisfaction.      Out of my many little missions, one is : 'Not taking things for granted'. I am no where near achieving this goal, in fact as I write and ponder in my past, hell just yesterday, I feel like stopping,erasing this post and going back to sleep. But oh well, I have started and I am too curious to stop.       I am very lucky, you know, in many ways. I just need to wear some one else's perspective. Some one obviously less blessed than me. I can also do the opposite and see through eyes perhaps more fortunate to me. Now immediate sense says, I'd be more humble if I view myself through less pro...

A desire to be a smile maker.

         Apart from the very first two stories I posted on my blog, stuff here has been pretty thought provoking and serious. If you plan to read the lighter side go here :  The 50 mosquitoes  and  My little pranksters journal  (These might be a little hard to read since back then I was a very rough writer, I think I still am but ... oh well)       It's not like I don't want to write joyous and giddy stuff, on the contrary,I love humour and it hurts me that I struggle so badly writing it out. I play the joker everyday, so to live it, Seriously I get fits of randomness..... I got proof man, see picture to the right. Erm.....  Okaaay  ...perhaps... uh... yeah possibly.... I am no  Chaplin, Jim or Ellen. I don't claim to be them either... Oh look, a random alien hovering. Perhaps A little Chaplin, A greener and mushier version of Chaplin ? Meh, Least I go green.    ...

History and it's vitality,broader vitality.

              It's a surprise really, when I hear people disliking history. They come across it to be boring and of no use at certain times. I realize we all have our own 'thaaang'. I know you like certain things and I don't but as a history lover *come on judge* I get defensive as it is.               I've learned to understand that since people don't particularly co-relate with your mindset you can't really hate them or even judge. As John Lennon once said   ' Don't hate what you don't understand'   to which I say   'Give them a shimmer of what you love, cause what you love deeply, you won't fail to make sense out of'   and then it's really truly up to the other party if they want to respect the idea or leave it be or continue being sceptical about it.                                 S...

Earn your right to whine.

    So I was walking down the kitchen in a frenzy thinking out loud what things I have and have not done and what is left to be accomplished.When I stopped for a second and thought to my self, half the stuff I do , I do it out of my own consent. So why actually do I end up whining about how I've got so much on my plate? I realize that no one's holding me down on a gun point to clean the house, cook or even study for the sake of it  *shocker*      So why do we cry over things? When we in our own sane minds wouldn't want it any different. Let me break it down for you , imagine  your fellow friend moaning about their courses and piled up assignments while simultaneously cursing... just cursing ... and stop for a moment to think that that friend is actually you. We all have our grouchy moments but the increase of such moaning around me is really making me nauseating, and hence I surrendered to writing it out. Sob Sob Sobitty Sob! >.<...

Learning to bend for the sake of words.

Whenever I decide to sit and write I feel the need to have everything perfect around me. Somehow the importance of words and their dignity for me should not be shared with anyone less than perfect. Maybe I put them to an extremely high stature. Little did I know that life is everything but perfect and or perhaps our definition of perfect is flawed. Is it? For that I say  " Like beauty perfection also lies in the eye of the beholder " Today I learned to bend my back on certain things. To realize that when you pave your way differently than that of which you ideally thought of , it does not kill the importance of that subject but rather shines your affection towards it . Something you are ready to mould your self for. Something ? Anything?

Peace of mind.

The power of truth lies in it's crucial clarity and lucidity.Whereas, a bit of a lie can leave you in disarray putting behind a mind in which bewilderment and uncertainty prevail. Remember, pondering over a mere speculation is like trapping your self in a black hole, you know not what might come off the matter or if you can actually, at any given time, escape it. Rid yourself of such little but effective dilemma and stick to what is .. simple . Leave the complications in the black hole and not yourself. ;) Oh! So thoughtful .Oh! So deep.
After we grow up from our child mind we never really truly stay unbiased.

Questions and Answers

      Questions and then Answers. This is the order. It's not questions and questions or answers and answers or answers before questions, It's simply questions before answers. Honestly I am just trying to confuse you cause factually when someone is confused,a little not too much, they tend to stick around to give themselves just a bit more of time to understand the situation. Be cautious too much confusion can cause a person to jolt and leave. And since I feel like what I am saying is not just a mere sentence but a meaningful ruling, yes I said ruling, I have the right to confuse you enough to read it to the end.       I'll give you a bit of a philosophical background (bear with me?).Life is not a solid structure but an entity dependant collaboratively on .. theories? morals? guidelines?... well, simply put life is reliant on .. rules, to each their own. These rules collectively will give you a picture of who you are, you can test it by dividin...