My little prankster's journal.
6:00 Am And that is my mother's cue. She shouts out our names in the still dark environment. No sun, no birds and no sound. Until 15 minutes later you could hear the birds and eventually there is light as the sun rises and we find our selves still attached to our beds refusing to give ear to her. Hardly 20 minutes left for the car to arrive and we haven't even brushed our teeth. Rush rises as one by one we shake each other off bed and line up in front of the bathroom. One manages to iron the uniform while I prepare breakfast, and next to the last of us would run around KT to get her ready;she being the last. We all would end up trying to get KT ready; While one manages her socks;the next manages her uniform and the third would make her finish her breakfast and in this rush the rest of us would be left with little or no time for ourselves. That's how we sisters used to go to school together.Those were the truly memorable days.With our bag packs filled to such an extent...